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Monday, 25 November 2013

Electronic Giving

Dear Friends,
Electronic Giving

For centuries, the people of God have financially supported the work of the Church by putting cash into the collection plates passed around during the       service. The challenge nowadays is that we are moving into a cashless society where people no longer carry cash on them. Many people have expressed their frustration that they have arrived at Church and realised that they do not have cash on them for the collection.

In response to this frustration, Parish Council has agreed that we make available on Sundays the Parish’s EFTPOS machine for parishioners to use to contribute their freewill offering. This is how it works:
· The EFTPOS machine is situated on the back table outside the parish office window. There are instructions next to the machine on how to make a      payment on your Debit Card (no credit cards at this stage). It works exactly the same as the self-service checkouts at supermarkets.
· You select the amount you would like to freewill offer. There is no record kept of who paid how much. It is completely and 100% anonymous.
· Please print two receipts: one receipt for yourself and one receipt for the church. You will see that there is no identifying info on the receipt at all.
· Place the Church’s receipt copy in the collection bag during the service.
· If you wish to pay a whole month’s offering in one go, then next to the machine you will find stack of “tokens” (for lack of a better word). You keep these tokens in your wallet/purse, and place one token in the collection bag per week when it is passed around in the service. The placing of the token in the collection bag is symbolic of your EFT offering so that when the priest’s prays the prayer of blessing over the offering during the Eucharist, your     offering is symbolically included.

I hope that this system is convenient, helpful and well received by parishioners. It is, as all things in the church are, voluntary. Some may choose to use the direct internet payment option as an alternative. If you do this please feel free to use the tokens as well. Our bank details are:
Name: Anglican Parish Mandurah
BSB: 706-001
Account no.: 30004522

If you have any questions regarding this please feel free to speak to our treasurer, Jim Douglas or one of our wardens, Bill Hatton, Susan Davies, Jim Boxall.
God Bless
Fr. Darryl Cotton

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